

Bases: casingSimulations.base.BaseCasing

Base class wrapper to run an EM Forward Simulation

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): Working directory, a unicode string, Default: .
  • fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fields.npy
  • filename (String): filename for the simulation parameters, a unicode string, Default: simulationParameters.json
  • meshGenerator (BaseMeshGenerator): mesh generator instance, an instance of BaseMeshGenerator
  • modelParameters (Wholespace): Model Parameters instance, an instance of Wholespace
  • num_threads (Integer): number of threads, an integer, Default: 1
  • verbose (Bool): run the simulation in Verbose mode?, a boolean, Default: False
  • version (String): version of the software, a unicode string, Default: 0.0.4

Optional Properties:

  • src (BaseCasingSrc): Source Parameters instance, an instance of BaseCasingSrc

fields from the forward simulation


fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fields.npy


filename (String): filename for the simulation parameters, a unicode string, Default: simulationParameters.json


meshGenerator (BaseMeshGenerator): mesh generator instance, an instance of BaseMeshGenerator


modelParameters (Wholespace): Model Parameters instance, an instance of Wholespace


num_threads (Integer): number of threads, an integer, Default: 1


Run the forward simulation


src (BaseCasingSrc): Source Parameters instance, an instance of BaseCasingSrc


verbose (Bool): run the simulation in Verbose mode?, a boolean, Default: False

write_py(physics=None, includeDC=True, include2D=True)

Write a python script for running the simulation :param str physics: ‘TDEM’, ‘FDEM’ :param bool includeDC: include a DC simulation with the EM one (default is True) :param bool include2D: include a 2D simulation? (default is True)



A wrapper to run a DC Forward Simulation :param CasingSimulations.model.WholeSpace modelParameters: casing parameters object :param CasingSimulations.mesh.BaseMeshGenerator mesh: a CasingSimulation mesh generator object

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): Working directory, a unicode string, Default: .
  • fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fieldsDC.npy
  • filename (String): filename for the simulation parameters, a unicode string, Default: simulationParameters.json
  • formulation (String): field that we are solving for, a unicode string, Default: phi
  • meshGenerator (BaseMeshGenerator): mesh generator instance, an instance of BaseMeshGenerator
  • modelParameters (Wholespace): Model Parameters instance, an instance of Wholespace
  • num_threads (Integer): number of threads, an integer, Default: 1
  • src_a (Vector3): a electrode location, a 3D Vector of <type ‘float’> with shape (3)
  • src_b (Vector3): return electrode location, a 3D Vector of <type ‘float’> with shape (3)
  • verbose (Bool): run the simulation in Verbose mode?, a boolean, Default: False
  • version (String): version of the software, a unicode string, Default: 0.0.4

Optional Properties:

  • src (BaseCasingSrc): Source Parameters instance, an instance of BaseCasingSrc

fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fieldsDC.npy


formulation (String): field that we are solving for, a unicode string, Default: phi

physics = 'DC'

src_a (Vector3): a electrode location, a 3D Vector of <type ‘float’> with shape (3)


src_b (Vector3): return electrode location, a 3D Vector of <type ‘float’> with shape (3)



A wrapper to run an FDEM Forward Simulation :param CasingSimulations.model.WholeSpace modelParameters: casing parameters object :param CasingSimulations.mesh.BaseMeshGenerator mesh: a CasingSimulation mesh generator object

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): Working directory, a unicode string, Default: .
  • fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fields.npy
  • filename (String): filename for the simulation parameters, a unicode string, Default: simulationParameters.json
  • formulation (StringChoice): Formulation of the problem to solve [e, b, h, j], any of “e”, “b”, “h”, “j”, Default: h
  • meshGenerator (BaseMeshGenerator): mesh generator instance, an instance of BaseMeshGenerator
  • modelParameters (Wholespace): Model Parameters instance, an instance of Wholespace
  • num_threads (Integer): number of threads, an integer, Default: 1
  • verbose (Bool): run the simulation in Verbose mode?, a boolean, Default: False
  • version (String): version of the software, a unicode string, Default: 0.0.4

Optional Properties:

  • src (BaseCasingSrc): Source Parameters instance, an instance of BaseCasingSrc

formulation (StringChoice): Formulation of the problem to solve [e, b, h, j], any of “e”, “b”, “h”, “j”, Default: h

physics = 'FDEM'


A wrapper to run a TDEM Forward Simulation :param CasingSimulations.model.WholeSpace modelParameters: casing parameters object :param CasingSimulations.mesh.BaseMeshGenerator mesh: a CasingSimulation mesh generator object

Required Properties:

  • directory (String): Working directory, a unicode string, Default: .
  • fields_filename (String): filename for the fields, a unicode string, Default: fields.npy
  • filename (String): filename for the simulation parameters, a unicode string, Default: simulationParameters.json
  • formulation (StringChoice): Formulation of the problem to solve [e, b, h, j], any of “e”, “b”, “h”, “j”, Default: j
  • meshGenerator (BaseMeshGenerator): mesh generator instance, an instance of BaseMeshGenerator
  • modelParameters (Wholespace): Model Parameters instance, an instance of Wholespace
  • num_threads (Integer): number of threads, an integer, Default: 1
  • verbose (Bool): run the simulation in Verbose mode?, a boolean, Default: False
  • version (String): version of the software, a unicode string, Default: 0.0.4

Optional Properties:

  • src (BaseCasingSrc): Source Parameters instance, an instance of BaseCasingSrc

formulation (StringChoice): Formulation of the problem to solve [e, b, h, j], any of “e”, “b”, “h”, “j”, Default: j

physics = 'TDEM'